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Road work name I just made up to sound more bluecollarery. But its basically clearing work. This clearing work can be tied to a person, place or thing. But specifically I like working more with people. Its clearing energetic body’s from external as well as internal influence. Externally influence means other people’s energy as well as cords. Another external influences could be energy vampires, attachments, and parasites. Pretty much any outside influence that’s effecting you in a negative way. As for internal influence, we clear any negative thought patterns or programming. All the negative self talk or thoughts overtime create denser and denser energy in your body that can progress to cause physical and health issues. Thats my opinion of course I’m not a doctor obviously. People typically experience feeling much lighter after we work, but they also report an opening up in terms of their life and spiritual practice.

INTIMATE Energy Session

During this session we talk our way through breath work and other modalities to activate the creative energy through your body. we use this creative, sacral, kindilini energy to reach more expanded states of consciousness. Different guides from the spiritual realm tend to step in to help us connect to higher states of Divinity.

This session can be done in person or virtually. Please contact me for pricing and availability. I will work with spirit to cleanse the physical areas of your home. This session is good if you feel like your physical space needs a refresh or if you feel there are lingering energies around your home. This session will include shamanic drumming, mediumship and working with my guides to cleanse your space.




Mediumship is the ability to communicate with spirit. Just to be clear I have no control who comes through to us when we work. A session entails just having the intention to connect to spirit on your behalf for healing, uplift, peace, and guidance. So we sit and talk and see who comes through. We can always try connect to whoever you would like to connect to, but there are no guarantees.

Shamanic Journey Work

We start by creating sacred space. Then we do shamanic journey work. Journey work is guided meditation work led by the sound of the drum or rattle. The sound of the music helps your brain enter theta state which is conducive to meditation or altered states of consciousness. These altered states allow the client to have spiritual experiences ranging from communication, healing, or at least relaxation.

Teaching communication with spirit

One on one session where we focus on your innate ability to communicate with spirit. I believe that we all have the gift to communicate with those in spirit, it is like anything else, it takes patience and practice. I will work directly with you on taping into your own personal gifts. This session can be one off or ongoing.